Wednesday, July 8, 2009

And she walks and she walks.....

<This is very much incomplete... will have phrases and a mixture of dialect... and I haven't even read it through again... so before u go ahead, it may not be in the perfect flow...  >

The prettiest thing on earth, the gifted being, the blessed one...
It was the day she was born....

The pride of many, the envy of others....
They wished to hold her, to touch her, to catch a glimpse of her...

She grew...yet very young...

Studies came to her easily. She could sing, she could dance, she could draw.... She was talented beyond limits... She was generous, kind, down to earth, simple.... the perfect soul....

Her life was full of happiness that she shared with others.... others' sorrows which she considered her own... she loved everyone...the innocent girl.... and she was loved.

And then he came... acting as her protector, her well wisher... who longed for her tenderness and nothing else..
She trusted, for so young was she... and soon she realized her folly...

But she had lost what she didn't even know, afraid to confess and following a stranger's path, she walked and she walked and she walked...

She felt caged, captured, alone... As fate was on her side, she flew away into another world, different from what she was accustomed to....

She wanted her freedom, she wanted to be loved... but what did the new world offer her... abuses, negligence, hatred.... she didn't want to live... her perfect world was long since torn apart and the new world where she expected a new beginning was turning sore....

Save for a few good souls, she sustained, wanted to strike back with all force and she was getting over her worries than there came few who wanted to taste her warmth...

She struggled and ran... she wanted to be away... far away from these lewd lords, for they were like a father to her... and yet their lustful eyes feeding on her meat...

She couldn't bear the pain... She fought, she won, she flew into yet another world.... and there in search of a pure soul, she walked and she walked and she walked...

She was hesitant to talk, she was hesitant to do anything she loved, for hurt had she been from everything, the pain...oh too much to bear, for a young teen was she...

One unexpected dawn, a brave heart came to her, much did he long for her, for he truly loved her... Yes, she was loved again...

He took her pain away, he was all she had, oh she loved so dearly and yes he loved her heart... She taught him her ways of tolerance, he taught her to be brave...

His presence gave her strength, the strength gave her happiness.. His love restored her confidence, her faith...yes... yes.. she was in love...

She wanted to confess her past, but it was almost a forgotten tale.. and yes she feared....

They roamed, they loved, they talked, life was becoming perfect again...

But love does have a little lust... yes...but her troubled mind couldn't make out the difference... She didn't feel his gentle touch.. Her lips never felt his warm kisses... For so traumatizing was her past...

Foolish girl, I should say, for she should have confessed... prior or then... but no, she didn't... she feared losing him... and poor he did not realize the pain he was giving her...

She felt it was her duty to abide... and him.. What has to be are so... they cannot read a woman's face... and this young brave heart, young indeed was he!

And as if this wasn't doing any harm of its own......

As they say, a man is known by the company he keeps...

And soon, influenced by his fellow "well-wishers", the brave heart was confused, for he wanted her to do things his way.... He was possessive, obsessive.... he wanted her to give up everything for him.. She cried... she pleaded.. she advised him to believe in her and not other strangers... But what can I say, for fate is who I blame, for breaking apart two pure souls... Yes indeed its their folly... but a fate could change a lot of things and yet it thought to let this pass...

For he paid no heed to her... he wanted her... oh yes...but his doubts and fears overcame his true love... for he blamed her for every wrong, for he hated praises of her, but yet he loved her... oh a love that no one could imagine... but their damned fate.....

She was wounded, hurt even more than before for they were mere strangers and this was different... her trust was broken... her happiness shattered... she was in disbelief for she never even dreamt of this nightmare...

She cried, and when all her pleading was in vain, she broke and she went away... and there the brave heart lay grieving...

He tried to stop her, yes, he was repenting... oh but the unbearable pain and the rush of youth, would dare stop her... She left... she left in search of loneliness... to be far away into a world of unknowns... and there she walked and she walked and she walked....

Few came and went, for she thought she had nothing to lose... yet she suffered pain... and she longed for it... for she felt she deserved it.... she wanted to end her life...she wanted to be miserable...

But deep inside, she wanted a man who would love her true, who would not be influenced, who would treat her like a princess for she saw a lot of unworthy others being treated like one...

She had longed to be taken care of, to be loved, to be pampered, to feel like the precious thing on earth to a man...

But she knows her dreams will never be true, for so had others used her and left her with just pain and pain and more pain...

She accepted the pain so much that she craved for it... yes again and again... she made the little good things to bad and cried and oh lord... crazy was she turning....

And one day she stopped... she thought... the sun was setting... and she looked down and said.. "Even my shadow leaves me in the dark"....

Oh, how painful her heart might be says I... for "Who are you?" you may ask....
And I can proudly say that I'm the very shadow she mentioned... but little does she know that I watch her from the dark... It is she who cannot see me... I've been with her all her life, I have cried with her, laughed with her in her happier times, I was there always... but how could she know that... for that's how it was destined to be....

If I may wish, and if a wish fulfilled, oh lord... bless her a being for she has suffered enough... it wasn't her fault... bless her oh lord...

For I'm a shadow, i feel no pain, no happiness and yet I did...

I do not know if my prayers will be answered, for this wretched girl always faces misfortune...But yet, I'm there for her... till she lasts...till she walks...

And so I walk with her while she walks and she walks and she walks...


  1. Nice...Do you always write in this style?? Haven't read through the entire Possessed yet...

  2. Ty :) actually not... I think I'm writing this style for the first time... :)

  3. Alas, you give too much away for the story is plain to me. This girl still loves the brave heart it's clear to see. As she walks, I pray that a time will come, when the dark clouds will be torn asunder by the merciful sun, and she realises that the source of her despair and misery are the ghosts of the past that she carries on her journey.

    Excuse the horrible horrible attempts at rhyme!


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